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DNA proves 3 kids are yours, pay GHc25K monthly upkeep – Court dissolves Gyan’s 2013 marriage

A High Court in Accra has settled properties including a UK house, a 4-bedroom Spintex house, a gas station, and two cars on Gifty Gyan, the ex-wife of the former skipper of Ghana’s Black Stars.

Additionally, the court, presided over by Hafisata Ameleboba JA, granted a maintenance fee of GHC 25, 000 cedis a month to be paid to the lady but declined the relief as to the payment of alimony.

The Ghanaian football legend filed for divorce at the High Court and denied fathering their three children, demanding a DNA test.

However, after a successful conduct of the DNA, the results revealed that all the kids were the biological children of Asamoah Gyan.

In its judgment, the court held per the evidence that a paper marriage in 2002 by the lady at the time when she was 17 years old was not a ground for declaring a marriage void but held the same marriage to be valid and still subsisting.

Consequently, a decree of nullity was issued, annulling the marriage between Asamoah Gyan and Gifty Gyan, celebrated in 2013.

The court also held that the uncontroverted evidence on record shows that the parties have been in an amorous relationship since 2003 and had two children prior to their decision to formalize their union through ordinance marriage.

As regards her substantial contribution for a share in Asamoah Gyan’s property, the court held that since she has contributed in kind to the acquisition of the properties, by being the one who solely catered for the children and lived with the children whilst the Petitioner plied his trade, she was entitled to a share and therefore granted her;

A UK property

Gas station at prampram

4 bedroom house at Spintex already purchased for her before the marriage in 2013

2 cars


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