You are currently viewing A member of Asanteman Traditional Chiefs in Europe elected into Amsterdam South East Council
Nana Nsuobeyebouden Owusu Agyenim Boateng (Nkosuohene for Otumfuo Damponanohene)

A member of Asanteman Traditional Chiefs in Europe elected into Amsterdam South East Council

A Ghanaian resident in the Kingdom of Netherlands, Mr. George Owusu has been elected as Assembly Member at Stadsdeel Amsterdam Zuldoost.

He comes into office to represent sixteen districts in his constituency.

His election comes to many as no surprise giving account to his rich experience in leadership over the years.

In an interview with Ashantibiz on his victory, he reiterated the need to revive broken systems and restore shuttered hopes in his constituency.

According to him, he is bringing onboard a new leadership style and trust that with the support of his party and team, things shall be restored to normalcy. He has highlighted key areas that his four year mandate would look at.

“I am going to champion the course of school dropouts. There is going to be attractive programs in schools to reduce dropouts. Extra classes shall be organized for students who find some subjects unattractive. Youth need privacy at certain stages and I shall facilitate for them to get a place on their own to stay. Affordable homes has been a thorn in the flesh by many immigrants. Low income earners find it extremely difficult to acquire a home. Even though it supposed to be affordable. With the support of my party we shall address this challenge holistically. One other area of concern is the security and the manner they do their recruitment. My term in office shall run a sensitization program periodically to enable the youth, particularly those interested in joining apply.

Mr. George Owusu who is widely known as Nana Nsuobeyebouden Owusu Agyenim Boateng is the Nkosuohene for Otumfuo Damponanohene in Ashanti Region of Ghana. He holds a Diploma in Languages and married with four kids.

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