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Revenue mobilization; the cause of KMA woes-Ex-Revenue Officer

  • Post category:Ashanti-news

A former Revenue Superintendent of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) has bemoaned the huge indebtedness in which her former employer is embroiled, and has made recommendations for the consideration of the management to reverse the situation.

Madam Elizabeth Cudjoe, speaking to The Chronicle, attributed the situation to the politicisation of every aspect of the functions and activities, including revenue mobilisation, of the Assembly.

According to her, all sources of revenue, including property rates, licence fees, and market tolls had been awarded on contract at a commission, at the expense of the revenue base of the Assembly.

These could raise funds under its Internally Generated Funds to offset some debts and avoid the unthinkable attachment of their properties by the court.

She wondered why the KMA, which owns the various markets, cannot engage their own managers to mobilise and manage the revenue.

Madam Cudjoe attributed the situation to the fact that personnel of the Controller and Accountant General’s Department have taken over from Local Government workers in supervising revenue mobilization. The retired KMA revenue staff since 2004 also mentioned the allocation of stores and plots of lands at the blind side of the appropriate Sub Committee of the Assembly contributing to the leakages in revenue and pointed to lack of transparency on the part of management and staff, saying the majority of the workforce was not honest.

Madam Cudjoe has, therefore, called for an attitudinal change on the part of workers, from the top official to the labourer, to reverse the negative trend of operations.

She also recommended that the Assembly restructures its revenue mobilisation unit, such that they would embark on regular debt recovery to avoid leakages, adding that most revenue from publicity and advertisements was going down the drain without proper monitoring.

“As an agent of development, KMA management must capitalise on the expertise and rich experience of past officials,” she said.

She mentioned some of such past personalities and experienced administrators as former President John Agyekum Kufuor, once a Town Clerk of the KMA (then Kumasi City Council), Mr. James Owusu (currently Nana Krapahene), and Comrade S.K. Danso, who had contributed to the growth of the city in diverse ways in the past.

The retiree has said it would not be out of place if the KMA management seeks advice from these prominent men, regarding effective the management of resources at the KMA.

Source: Ashantibiz

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